Magic music. game
One player is sent from the room and the rest decide upon something he must do when called in.
When this has been done he is summoned by magic music which is made by having one of the players strike on something which will make a noise. If there is a piano, so much the better, if not, a piece of metal or a bell will do.
As he nears the object which he is to find the music grows very loud, and faint when he is far away.
Suppose he is to take a flower from a vase, and give it to one of the players. As he nears the flowers, the music grows louder and louder, and if he touches one, it stops; then he knows he has to do something with it. If he smells it, the music grows faint, and he knows he is wrong. As he starts to give it to the players, the music varies until he has given it to the right one.
Someone else then leaves the room, and the game goes on as before.
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