"The Red Coats" game
Divide the group into two equal game teams. One team is called the farmers, the other the red coats. A goal is marked off on the ground in the form of a hollow square large enough to contain all the members of one of the teams.
All of the red coats take a position inside of the goal with eyes closed while the farmers hide. After sufficient time has been given to the farmers to hide, the red coats are released and each seeks to discover a farmer. Upon being discovered the hiding farmer must remain in his hiding place until tagged by the red coat then they both race back to the goal. The first one to cross the goal line becomes a farmer
and the other a red coat in the next hiding. After returning to the goal both farmer and red coat must remain therein until all of the farmers have been discovered. If the last red coats find it difficult to locate the hiding farmers they can call to their assistance such other red coats as they may need, in which case the red coat first discovering the farmer points him out to that red coat who enlisted his help, thereupon said red coat tags the farmer and races with him to the goal.
After all of the farmers have been discovered those who are to be farmers in the next round hide and the game goes on as before.
In case two red coats discover the same farmer the one first tagging him shall count and shall race with him for the goal. In case the red coat discovers more than one farmer he may choose the one he wishes to tag, but he is not to disclose the other to another red coat.
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